
Everything You Need To Know About VoIP Services

It is fair to say that all businesses these days use both mobile phones and landline phones. Being able to easily communicate with both colleagues and customers/clients is essential to business success and, for this reason, having the best communications package is more important than ever before. However, with so many different options to consider and such a vast range of phone providers to choose from, it is also more confusing than ever before.

Many businesses these days aren’t aware that there is an additional option that can be incredibly beneficial for them to consider when they’re looking into communication packages; VoIP solutions. You may have never heard of VoIP services before but they are perfect for businesses of all sizes nowadays. So to help anyone wanting to find out more about VoIP, here is a short guide covering all of the basics. 

What is VoIP?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and you may also hear it referred to as IP telephony. This service is slightly different from using a traditional phone line and it is essentially where you make telephone calls through the internet. 

Whilst this may sound quite complicated, when using a VoIP phone, it is unlikely that you will notice a huge difference. Some users simply refer to a VoIP phone as a broadband phone and they are incredibly straightforward to use. 

It is worthwhile noting, however, that you can make VoIP calls from many different devices. Often, businesses will replace their landline phones with specialised IP phones, but you can also make VoIP calls from computers and smartphones too. Essentially, you can call from anywhere that has access to the internet. 

How does VoIP work?

Without going into too much detail, a VoIP system works by converting standard analogue voice signals into digital signals that can be transmitted over the internet. So, simply put, your audio will become digital data which will then be sent via your broadband line. 

There are many different VoIP systems available nowadays, but the most popular and well-known tends to be 3CX. This is a software-based phone system and if you’d like to find out more in this regard, our expert team will be able to provide you with jargon-free additional information. 

What are the benefits of VoIP services?

Often, businesses turn to VoIP services because they enable them to bypass their traditional phone line, phone provider and also call charges. Here are the two main benefits of doing this; 

  1. Reduced costs 

Businesses who frequently use their landlines to make calls to mobile phones and overseas numbers will be aware of just how expensive this can be. Depending on your current traditional phone provider, you may be spending hundreds of pounds a month to make essential calls. 

When you use VoIP, you can dramatically reduce your costs, especially when calling between internal VoIP extensions as this will be completely free. So, if you have offices and/or employees in different countries, this can make a huge difference to you. 

  1. Increased flexibility 

Many employees can only answer calls when they’re at their desk and able to physically get to their landline phone. Whilst this isn’t an issue for some, for others who require more flexibility, it can hinder them and make them miss many important phone calls. 

With VoIP, not only can you easily direct your office number to your mobile whenever you’re not in the office, but you can even transfer a call that you’re in the middle of to your mobile too. You will only need one contact number and you will also seem much more professional.

Finding a company that provides VoIP services in Berkshire 

Hopefully, you will now know a little bit more about VoIP services and just how beneficial they can be to businesses nowadays. There is no denying that when contemplating which communications package to choose, it is worthwhile to carefully consider whether VoIP services would be a good option for your business. Should you ever require any assistance or additional information in this regard, our team at Key Insite will gladly assist you further. 

Here at Key Insite, we are proud to offer VoIP services in Berkshire and you can guarantee that we are the perfect people to reach out to in this regard. Unlike other companies who may offer you VoIP phone services, we also provide on-going maintenance and management to our clients, and you can rely on us to provide you with comprehensive support in this regard. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions at all about our VoIP services, we will happily answer these for you. 

How IT Support Companies Can Assist SMEs

Small and mid-size enterprises, SMEs, account for such a huge percentage of businesses here in the UK and they tend to require just as much support and assistance as larger enterprises. Often, businesses of these sizes can overlook specific support that is available to them and this can be for many different reasons, but it is often because they don’t actually realise how beneficial it will be. 

Independent IT support companies, in particular, can provide SMEs with so many different invaluable services, all of which are worthwhile looking into further. There is no denying that IT plays such an important role in all smaller businesses nowadays and if you don’t have an in-house IT support team, then outsourcing a professional company is incredibly beneficial. If you’re wondering how IT support companies will be able to assist you, keep reading today. Below is some information regarding the different services that they can offer. 

Purchasing IT equipment 

The vast majority of SMEs will have a range of IT equipment that they wouldn’t be unable to function without. Should you require any additional equipment, an IT support company can provide you with advice and recommendations on what to buy. You may find that they can even negotiate with manufacturers to get the best possible price for anything you need too. 

IT consultancy 

Often, IT support companies will also be able to provide SMEs with a strategic consultancy as well. Many are unaware of just how much of a difference the correct IT can make to the productivity and efficiency of a business. Never underestimate just how beneficial this specific service can be and how much of an impact properly panned IT can make. 

Cloud services 

It is becoming increasingly popular for small and medium-sized businesses to take advantage of cloud services. If you’re unaware of what these are, an IT support company will be able to assist you further in this regard. They can help you understand this modern web-based solution and tailor a cloud package to your individual business needs. 


This is a service that all SMEs should be aware of and IT security should be of high priority to all businesses. IT support companies can help you to ensure that your business is protected against cyber threats and that you have backup and security procedures in place. This is probably one of the most important and beneficial services provided by professional companies. 

Communication solutions 

Whilst you may be unaware that IT support companies even offer services for internet, mobile and landline communications, it is fair to say that they can be incredibly helpful. IT professionals can assist you as you navigate through the many communications packages available these days and they will ensure that you’re opting for the most suitable solution. 

Managed IT services 

Many SMEs will be aware of this service and often, this is the most sought after. IT support companies provide reliably managed IT services to any businesses that need it. This service tends to be all-inclusive and for the majority, it is the most beneficial of all the services offered as it eliminates your need for an in-house IT team altogether, so it is incredibly worthwhile. 

Finding an IT support company In Berkshire 

All in all, there is no denying that all of the services mentioned above can be incredibly helpful for SMEs and there are so many benefits to turning to an experienced company for assistance with your business’ IT. It is fair to say that they can make a huge difference to the day-to-day running of your business and when being provided with these services, you will no longer need to worry about the technical side of your business at all.

If you’re searching for an IT support company in Berkshire who can provide you with many of the different services mentioned above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team here at Key Insite today. As a small friendly company made up of IT professionals, all of whom have a wealth of knowledge and experience, you can rely on us to provide you with a comprehensive range of IT support services. We look forward to assisting you further in any way required. 

3 New Phone systems Installed

We have been busy helping our clients work from home or where ever with a 3cx cloudbased phone system. Our clients can make and receive calls at home just as easy as in the office without any call diversions etc.   Receptionists can take calls and transfer them to the correct extension from home just as they can in the office .. Welcome to the new way of working

If your interested in the same for your company please call Howard on 0333 311 0041 or enter your detail here

So what next?

Here at Keyinsite we have been busy preparing our clients for the next chapter in how their staff will work from both Home and the office.

We have also taken this opportunity while they have little or no staff in their offices to upgrades Pcs from win7 to win10 all done remotely.

For another client upgrading their WAN from MPLS to SD-Wan saving them a fortune, and for a few more installing new clould based phone systems, enabling them all to work from home seamlessly.

How could we help you with our proactive approach

Stay safe.

Thank You

It’s been a busy week.. and we’d like to thank all our clients for bearing with us and especially those who have taken the time to thank us personally for helping them get their staff set up to work from home. All our services running as usual and we’re feeling fortunate that we can work remotely ourselves and help others too.


Only 2 weeks ago we were talking about the possibility of remote working and business continuity and now, following government advice, working from home has become a necessity for many. During these uncertain and challenging times we are committed to ensuring we continue to give our clients the high standards of IT support that we are known for. Most of our systems and support can all be accessed remotely and if we have to be on client sites for technical reasons or delivering hardware all staff are following government guidelines regarding hygiene and distancing. We are now implementing additional support for many clients so they can follow government advice and enable their staff to work from home where possible. If you need help getting staff set up or aren’t even sure what you need please get in touch we are still here to help.

Are you prepared for remote working?

There are a number of reasons why staff sometimes need to work from home. Travel issues, family emergencies and illness have always had an impact on whether an employee is in the office and bad weather conditions and flooding seem to cause problems every year.

Now with the potential coronavirus health epidemic we are being told staff may have to work from home for extended periods of time so it’s a good time to make sure you’ve considered your options. It’s always a good idea to consider remote working as part of your business continuity plan anyway but the important thing is to be prepared and today with the right resources and technology it’s easier than ever.

There are various ways we can help you to enable staff working from home, including VPN access, remote desktop and supplying additional laptops and phones. More importantly we can help you consider the questions you need to ask to make sure your IT doesn’t let you down in the event of workplace change.

Call Howard on 0333 311 0041 or leave your details below to find out more.

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Our blog will be regularly updated with the latest Keyinsite news including some of our projects we think you might be interested in.

We’ll also be featuring links to interesting articles and other news from the IT industry. As always we want to engage with our clients and welcome your feedback so do let us know if there are any particular topics of interest youd like us to cover on here.