Things to Consider when Deciding Which IT Services your Business Needs

Technology plays such a huge role in business success nowadays and, for this reason, many small and mid-size enterprises, SMEs, that don’t have an internal IT team are choosing to work alongside outsourced IT companies. There is no denying that there are a number of benefits to hiring an external company to handle your IT services and they can provide you with the comprehensive support that you require in this regard. 

Nowadays, the vast majority of independent IT companies, such as Key Insite will offer SMEs a number of different IT services and whilst all of them are worthwhile looking into the future, it can be difficult to decide which will be beneficial for you and your business as a whole. So, to help any SMEs who are currently looking into the different IT services available and attempting to choose which to invest in, below is a list of things you should consider. 

The Company who Currently Handle your IT Issues

Whenever you’re considering external IT services, it is always important to think about the capabilities you have in house. For example, if you don’t currently have anyone handling your IT, then you may need fully managed IT services that provide IT maintenance and support 24/7/365. So, think about how much help you realistically need with your IT as a whole. 

The Backup and Security Procedures you Have in Place 

Businesses store so much critical data on their computers and servers, so you should also be thinking about your backup and security procedures. If you don’t currently have anything in place or you’re using out-of-date time-consuming solutions, it will be beneficial to look into data security IT solutions. You can then ensure that your network is always safe and secure.

The Complexity of the IT Equipment and Software you Rely on 

Depending on the size and complexity of your IT infrastructure, you may find that you need more comprehensive IT services. For example, if you rely on your IT equipment and software to keep your business running effectively, then you may want to look for IT monitoring services whereby experts can identify issues before they cause a problem. 

The Traditional On-Premises Hosting you Have 

The majority of SMEs use on-premises hosting and you should consider how successful this is for you. Nowadays, alternatives such as cloud services are more cost-effective and flexible than traditional hosting, so you may want to look into cloud computing packages and IT services. Even if you aren’t having problems with your on-premises hosting it is worthwhile looking into the benefits of the other options you have too. 

The Probability of Needing New IT Solutions 

Often, IT equipment and software will be one of the first big investments you make as a business owner and they will likely need updating over time. If you have been thinking about getting new solutions, IT services that assist with the purchasing of IT solutions may be helpful. So, think about whether you’re likely to need advice and recommendations in this regard. 

What is your IT Strategy 

Many SMEs haven’t got an IT strategy and even though IT is an essential part of their business, it is often overlooked or forgotten. IT as a whole can have a huge impact on the productivity and efficiency of your business, so if you don’t currently have an IT strategy, you may want to look at IT consultancy services that help ensure IT is properly planned and budgeted for.

Investing in IT Services in Berkshire 

The vast range of IT services provided by independent IT companies are incredibly beneficial to SMEs and they are definitely worth investing in. Hopefully, by taking the time to think about everything mentioned above, you will have a better understanding of the support you require and you will, in turn, be able to choose which IT services will be most beneficial for you to invest in. 

When searching for an experienced company that provides a range of helpful IT services in Berkshire, be sure to visit the Key Insite website. As a small friendly company made up of IT professionals, you can rely on us to provide you with a comprehensive portfolio of IT management and support services. We specialise in assisting both national and international SMEs, so you can guarantee that we are the best people to turn to in this regard. If you have any questions at all about any of our IT services in Berkshire, don’t hesitate to contact us today.  

The Importance of Purchasing the Right IT Solutions for Your Business

These days, almost all businesses across all industry sectors will use IT equipment and software programs on a daily basis, and it is fair to say that they are a staple in a number of different commercial environments. Should you find yourself in a situation where you need to invest in new IT solutions, as soon as you begin to browse the market you will see that you have such a vast range to choose from and it really can be a minefield. 

With thousands of different products and services out there, it is becoming increasingly common for people to turn to an experienced IT support company for help, such as here at Key Insite. Our experts will be able to provide you with advice and recommendations for the specific needs of your business and, of course, they will help you to get the best deals and competitive prices too. If you’re wondering why people turn to IT support companies for assistance, below are some of the main reasons why it is so important to purchase the right IT solutions. 

Make Daily Working Life Easier 

Ultimately, the IT solutions that you chose have the ability to make the day to day running of your business so much easier and many are surprised just how much of a difference their IT equipment and software can make. The right solutions streamline your tasks and processes which will, in turn, improve efficiency and productivity. An IT support company can help you to ensure that you’re really getting the most out of your solutions. 

Prevent Breakdowns and all Associated Issues 

When you rely on all of your IT equipment and software to run your business, any type of breakdown can be detrimental. Ideally, you should do all you can to reduce any downtime that is caused by breakdowns and try to prevent the potential huge loss of revenue during this time. Investing in the right IT solutions really can help you to reduce the likelihood of frequent breakdowns and the many issues associated with these. 

Reduces the Risk of Cyber Attacks

Cyber security is by far one of the most important things to think about when you’re looking at new IT equipment and software. Simply put, if your IT solutions aren’t designed to protect your business, you’re likely to be at a higher risk of cyber attacks which can cause a whole host of problems. An IT support company will ensure that cyber security isn’t overlooked and you’re as protected as you can be.

Integrate all of your IT Solutions 

It is likely that you will require various IT solutions which will be used in different areas of your business. Being able to integrate all of these solutions can have such a huge impact on the running of your business and it will make lots of your employees’ jobs much easier. An IT support company will help you to find the best solutions that are also integrable. 

Can Save your Business Money 

High-quality IT solutions can be expensive, but they are always a worthwhile investment. That being said, you shouldn’t have to pay above the odds for the essentials that you need and thankfully, IT support companies have a lot of experience negotiating with leading suppliers, so they can help you to ensure that you’re getting the right equipment and software for the best price. They really can help you to save money.

Find an IT Support Company in Oxfordshire

The IT solutions you choose can make such a huge difference to the daily running of your business and it is undeniably important to ensure that you’re investing in the best solutions available to you. If you require some assistance choosing new IT equipment and software for your business, please don’t hesitate to contact our team here at Key Insite, we will gladly help you further. 

As an experienced IT support company in Oxfordshire, we have established partnerships with a range of leading hardware and software manufacturers, and you can rely on us to help you choose the best suppliers to invest in. We will provide you with independent advice based on your requirements and our team has significant, up-to-date knowledge on a vast range of hardware and software, so you will be in the best hands when you turn to us. Of course, due to the fact that we’re an IT support company in Oxfordshire, we will provide you with warranties too and should something go wrong, we will be on hand to help.

Why All Businesses Should Consider Using an External IT Support Company

In this digital day and age, the vast majority of businesses will rely heavily on technology. No matter what size your company may be, it is highly likely that without this you would be unable to function effectively and efficiently. However, when it comes to IT support, this is something that is frequently overlooked. Many companies, especially start-ups or SMEs, will attempt to keep costs down by handling this in-house. 

Often, instead of asking a member of their current team to juggle IT support services alongside their main role, businesses should consider using an external IT support company. This is incredibly common nowadays and there are some effective and efficient companies that provide comprehensive services to those in need of professional support. If you’ve never really considered an external IT support company like Key Insite before, and you’re wondering why they’re so popular, keep reading today. 

Ensures IT Problems are Always Handled Correctly

This is undeniably one of the biggest benefits of using an external IT support company and it is one of the main reasons why so many businesses choose to work with IT professionals. Knowing you have an experienced team on hand to assist you can provide complete peace of mind and prevent any worry in relation to how your business handles it’s IT problems. 

Benefit from Expert Advice 

When you receive outsourced IT support, not only will a team of specialists be able to help with issues you’re facing, but they can also provide you with tailored advice too. Should you be wanting to make changes to your IT strategy or invest in new IT supplies, they will be able to ensure that you’re making the right decisions for your business. 

Can Prevent Unnecessary Downtime 

As you’re probably well aware, downtime can be detrimental to businesses and IT downtime, in particular, can cause a whole host of additional problems. Thankfully, IT support companies can help to prevent unexpected and unnecessary downtime by ensuring that anything you rely on is always working efficiently. The services they provide are undeniably cost-effective. 

Reduces Risks of a Cybersecurity Breach

With the help of an external IT team, you can get support with everything from web filtering and firewalls to antivirus software and email security. These things will dramatically reduce the risk of you experiencing a cyber-attack or any form of a security breach, so you can continue your day-to-day business without any undue concerns. 

Keeps your Software and Systems up to Date

Technology is continually evolving and there are frequent updates that can improve businesses, however, many are unaware of these. You can trust that our IT support professionals will keep track of these updates and ensure that your software and systems are continually benefiting from the latest advancements. Many are surprised just how much of a difference this can make. 

Can Prevent any IT Issues 

Prevention is always better than cure and as far as IT is concerned, being able to preempt potential issues rather than rushing to fix them is a huge benefit to working with an IT support company. They will constantly be monitoring your business’ IT and if there seems like an issue may arise, they will prevent it or fix it before you even realise it came up.

Finding a Reliable IT Support Company

When your company relies on technology on a daily basis, there is no denying that it is beneficial to work alongside an external IT support company. You can guarantee that they will be incredibly supportive, often in more ways than you initially realise, and they can make running a business much easier. Why not look into experienced IT support companies in more detail?

Here at Key Insite, we are a professional business made up of IT professionals and we will gladly answer any questions that you may have about how IT support companies can help you. We are proud to offer complete IT support and management services to local, national and international SME businesses too, so we will happily assist you should you wish to work with an external company yourself. You can trust that you will be in experienced hands when you choose us as your IT support company. 

How IT Support Companies Can Assist SMEs

Small and mid-size enterprises, SMEs, account for such a huge percentage of businesses here in the UK and they tend to require just as much support and assistance as larger enterprises. Often, businesses of these sizes can overlook specific support that is available to them and this can be for many different reasons, but it is often because they don’t actually realise how beneficial it will be. 

Independent IT support companies, in particular, can provide SMEs with so many different invaluable services, all of which are worthwhile looking into further. There is no denying that IT plays such an important role in all smaller businesses nowadays and if you don’t have an in-house IT support team, then outsourcing a professional company is incredibly beneficial. If you’re wondering how IT support companies will be able to assist you, keep reading today. Below is some information regarding the different services that they can offer. 

Purchasing IT equipment 

The vast majority of SMEs will have a range of IT equipment that they wouldn’t be unable to function without. Should you require any additional equipment, an IT support company can provide you with advice and recommendations on what to buy. You may find that they can even negotiate with manufacturers to get the best possible price for anything you need too. 

IT consultancy 

Often, IT support companies will also be able to provide SMEs with a strategic consultancy as well. Many are unaware of just how much of a difference the correct IT can make to the productivity and efficiency of a business. Never underestimate just how beneficial this specific service can be and how much of an impact properly panned IT can make. 

Cloud services 

It is becoming increasingly popular for small and medium-sized businesses to take advantage of cloud services. If you’re unaware of what these are, an IT support company will be able to assist you further in this regard. They can help you understand this modern web-based solution and tailor a cloud package to your individual business needs. 


This is a service that all SMEs should be aware of and IT security should be of high priority to all businesses. IT support companies can help you to ensure that your business is protected against cyber threats and that you have backup and security procedures in place. This is probably one of the most important and beneficial services provided by professional companies. 

Communication solutions 

Whilst you may be unaware that IT support companies even offer services for internet, mobile and landline communications, it is fair to say that they can be incredibly helpful. IT professionals can assist you as you navigate through the many communications packages available these days and they will ensure that you’re opting for the most suitable solution. 

Managed IT services 

Many SMEs will be aware of this service and often, this is the most sought after. IT support companies provide reliably managed IT services to any businesses that need it. This service tends to be all-inclusive and for the majority, it is the most beneficial of all the services offered as it eliminates your need for an in-house IT team altogether, so it is incredibly worthwhile. 

Finding an IT support company In Berkshire 

All in all, there is no denying that all of the services mentioned above can be incredibly helpful for SMEs and there are so many benefits to turning to an experienced company for assistance with your business’ IT. It is fair to say that they can make a huge difference to the day-to-day running of your business and when being provided with these services, you will no longer need to worry about the technical side of your business at all.

If you’re searching for an IT support company in Berkshire who can provide you with many of the different services mentioned above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team here at Key Insite today. As a small friendly company made up of IT professionals, all of whom have a wealth of knowledge and experience, you can rely on us to provide you with a comprehensive range of IT support services. We look forward to assisting you further in any way required.